Product launch
Distributor event
100 m²

Product preview at St Hubert for distributors


  • Storytelling
  • Concept 360
  • Production and manufacturing
  • Decoration
  • St Hubert headquarters in Paris - 100m² of scenography
  • 1 month of design/build + 1 day of installation for 4 event dates
  • Major distributors in the food sector, loyal to the St Hubert brand


To design an immersive experience that would allow guests to become not only spectators, but also players in the event, by offering them a real visitor experience. This choice was born of a desire to deconstruct the classic model of professional events to introduce more experiential and immersive elements, guaranteeing a lasting, memorable experience for every participant.

While meeting St Hubert's organizational requirements, we integrated these elements into a four-stage process, with each phase offering a progressive immersion into the brand's universe, values, history and innovation.


To meet this challenge, our idea was to design a tailor-made event program structured around a strong theme: "Travel through time with Saint Hubert". This activation creates a unique experience by exploiting the space of the brand's headquarters to offer a veritable sensory voyage.

St Hubert distributor event


Focus on the migniardises created with St Hubert products during the tasting.

First cinema: discovering the brand's history

The tour begins in a cinema specially set up for a projection retracing the history of St Hubert. Guests learn about the origins of the brand, its founding values and its evolution over the years. This premiere sets the scene, reinforcing the emotional attachment to the brand and allowing guests to immerse themselves in its heritage.


Second stage, the museum: exploring innovation

Next, guests enter a museum-like space, where they move from one easel to the next, tracing the milestones of innovation at St Hubert through to the present day. This visual and interactive journey enables participants to understand the challenges faced by the brand over the decades, as well as the innovative solutions that have marked its history. It is also an opportunity to unveil St Hubert's latest innovation, reinforcing the idea of a continuous commitment to improvement and creativity.


The laboratory: a sensory immersion

The third stage, the real highlight of the immersive experience, takes guests into an airlock where they are invited to don a white coat, becoming full actors on stage. After dressing as researchers, they enter a laboratory area where a mystical atmosphere, accentuated by blue LED lights and chemistry instruments, surrounds them. A smoke screen marks the entrance, reinforcing the effect of passing into a confidential, almost secret zone. It was in this immersive setting that guests were able to taste the new product exclusively, transforming this step into a unique and memorable sensory experience.


Last stop, at the table: a buffet of Saint Hubert creations

To round things off, guests are invited to a buffet of mignardises made with St Hubert products. This final stage offers a moment of conviviality and sharing, while allowing guests to appreciate the quality of the products in a refined and warm setting.

Laboratory and innovation space for the St Hubert distributor event

By combining storytelling and sensory experience, WENES Event was able to meet the expectations of St Hubert and its distributors, offering an experience that is not limited to the event itself, but makes a lasting impression, offering total immersion and a lasting memory of the brand's DNA.


Because every detail counts, let's make your brand a unique experience.
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